
Showing posts from July, 2021

Picking a Dog Daycare

 Doggy Daycare..... 20 years ago this concept was rarely heard of. Today, there seems to be at least one in every neighborhood. So how do you know if it is a good one? Here is a criteria of things to look for when choosing a daycare for your dog. Just like in childcare, there are varying levels of quality in dog daycares. Unfortunately, there is no governing board or set standard to ensure there is at least a set amount of quality and safety in these businesses so it is extremely important to do your research before sending your dog to any of these Picking your Daycare     1. The Ability to Separate Play Groups     When large amounts of dogs play together off leash without their individual owners present, it is easy for accidents to occur. However, when a business is able separate quiet dogs from rowdy dogs, large dogs from small dogs, and nervous first-timers from over-exuberant tacklers it significantly decreases the risk for accident or bad experience. This also doesn't mean tha